Stephen O'Connor
Intall / learn about by clicking the links below
a website where you can upload a copy of your
repository (repo)Git
a version control application -
GitHub Pages
public webpages hosted and published through GitHubBootstrap the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Bootstrap is the second most-starred project on GitHub, with over 93K stars and more than 40K forks.
a social network that has completely changed the way we work.
git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global ""
git clone ''
copy / paste HTTPS of your repo and click entergit status
adds all stages new and modified files in the current directory
git status
Basically git commit "records changes to the local repository"
git commit -m "Commit message"
"updates remote refs along with associated objects" used to interact with a remote repository
git push
enter Username: & enter Password:
javascript front-end framework
Using Bootstrap depends on what you are building.
Firstly Bootstrap is front end for dynamic web applications
or static websites, it is mobile responsive, so it serves the best of both: web on a monitor and web
on a mobile.
Secondly if you are building a traditional three tier application, you can use it with
Java, C#, Ruby, PHP (Middleware) used for reading and writing data from the front end to the back end
and visa versa.
Lastly in a three tier dynamic app you would have a back end, like MySql, SQL Sever databases. An example of a traditional three tier application WordPress a Content
Management System (CMS) uses mainly Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL. Building
an Android or iPhone app (native apps) you would not use Bootstrap.
There a several ways to install BootStrap